People: Marianne Dashwood, speaking to Elinor about Edward.
Text: Elinor felt assured of Edward Ferrars’ worth-the quietness of his manor and knew his heart to be warm and his temper affectionate. Both Mrs. Dashwood and Marianne felt sure that the relationship between Elinor and Edward was mature and growing.
Marianne said one day, “Edward is very amiable, and I love him tenderly. But-there is something wanting-his figure is not striking; it has none of that grace which I should expect in the man who could seriously attach to my sister. His eyes want all that spirit, that fire, which at once announce virtue and intelligence. Besides, he has no real taste. Music seems scarcely to attract him, and though he admires Elinor’s drawings very much, it is not the admiration of a person who can understand their worth.”
When Marianne brought this up to Elinor, she defended him, “Edward distrusts his own judgment in such matters so much, that he is always unwilling to give his opinion on any picture; but he has an innate propriety and simplicity of taste, which direct him perfectly right.”
Emotion: passion
Insight: As humans we seek often to approve of others that which most resemble ourselves. Drawn to personality strengths similar to our own. Marianne disdains what Elinor admires. But each of knows our own hearts well, knows our own hopes. Proverbs 27:19 reveals that “As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects man.” Two souls are capable of reflecting back to each other the best of both beauty and strength. But if we only surround ourselves with people similar to ourselves, we will never have the opportunity to expand our souls. Let’s seek to know those in our lives like we know ourselves.
